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  תודה שהגעתם לאתר שלי

        שמי לאה שירה גד ,עוסקת בקבלה מעשית,מדיום מתקשרת מטפלת  בזוגיות משברים ובעיות בעסקיםת

תרצי לדעת אם הוא באמת אוהב אותך? חשוב לך לדעת אם הכוונות שלו רציניות?
כתבות בלאשה  ובעיתונות על הצלחות 

לאה מתקשרת אהבה בודקת התאמה מתקנת בעיות
התקשרו 0544-583-773

מחזירה אהבות בחינם פרטים בטלפון- 0544-583-773
 לאה שירה גד -מדיום מתקשרת נסיון מעל 40 שנה
בודקת התאמה ,אהבה, מה יהיה, האם יש אהבה?

אתר הקבלה החזרת אהבה תקשורלא
החזרת אהבה-כישוף לבן מהקבלה לאהבה.  
במה מילים מתקשרת מהקבלה ברוך הבא לעולם של תקשור ויעוץ רוחני 

1לאה  שירה גד תכניס אותך לעולם הנסתר של מסתרי העתיד ותגלה לך על בני הזוג מחשבות אפלות אהבה ורגשות
טיפול חזק להחזיר אהבה לנשים ולהטב"ים נשואות,גרושות ,אלמנות ורווקות 
1-הראשון :טיפול שלי שאני עושה בהצלחה .2-עבודה עצמית...נשים יקרות ,למה לסבול?
  כדאי לבדוק התאמה ואם צריך תיקון למצב ! המלצה חשובה
 כלי ראשון: התאמה זוגית עפ"י הקבלה כלי שני: טיפול על פי הקבלה להחזרת האהבה והזוגיות

  נשים יקרות למה לסבול? למה לא לדעת ולהבין איפה הבעיות ולתקן אותם

 זוגיות הרמונית הינה חיבור של שני גורלות של שני אנשים שהחליטו לחבור יחד ליצירת גורל

אחד  משותף לשניהם. ליצירת אנרגיה שלישית משותפת.

כל אחד מבני הזוג מביא את ייעודו בחיים לזוגיות משותפת. קיימות שתי אפשרויות:

פן בונה – התאמה הזוגית  הרמונית  כאשר שני בני הזוג מתגברים על המעכבים שלהם.ומצליחים לחיות חיי אושר
פן מעכב –התאמה הזוגית לא  הרמונית. לשני בני הזוג יש שעור ללמוד. עליהם להתגבר על המחסומים  כדי ליצור זוגיות מאוזנת
פרטים בנייד




This article is most important in order to understand the secret and essence of the analysis of the numerological map

Gematriah- the numerical value of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet: א,ב,ג,ד,ה,ו,ז,ח,ט – units

                                      י,כ,ל,מ,נ,ס,ע,פ,צ – tens

                            ק,ר,ש,ת – hundreds

                            ך,ם,ן,ף,ץ – final letters

Major Gematriah- the sum total of the numerical value of the Hebrew letters

Minor Gematriah- the reduction of the sum total of the letters to units

"כסא"(chair) in Major Gematriah equals 81

 (כ=20, ס=60,א=1)

"כסא" in Minor Gematriah equals 9 (כ=2,ס=6,א=1)

It is recorded in the book entitled "Ginat Egoz" written by Rabbi Yosef Jackitaliah, one of the leading Kabbalists of the 13th century (part 2; gate "The explanation of gematriah known as arithmetic): "Know, my brother, that G-d watches over you- that this gate- is to inform you of the secret of gematriah which is the secret of arithmetic through which the entire world exists and which is one of the three ways in which Kabbalah is understood. And the entire world exists through these three paths of kabbalah. And know that arithmetic is the foundation of the entire world and the foundation of its behavior. And by means of investigating the methods of arithmetic we are able to achieve concepts."

An analysis of the numerological map is accomplished by means of totaling the letters of a person's name, the name of his mother and the date of his birth. The numerological doctrine helps one who makes use of it and enables him to know what his luck will bring, what his destiny is and an understanding of his character, partnership, marriage, new beginnings, opening a business, a new residence, etc.

This doctrine states a method of understanding creation and is built upon mathematical codes and therefore the nature and destiny of every individual is expressed in numbers which we establish based on their numerical value of the person's name, his mother's name and his date of birth.

Similarly the analysis of the numerological map also relates to the composition of the letters in a person's name (refer to article "Power of Letters").

There also exists a connection to the numerical value of the individual's date of birth which impacts on his destiny and luck as it influences planets and the stars of the constellations which arte related to the date of birth and the influence of the sphere which is related to the date of birth (the 10 kabbalistic spheres, the tree of life). There is also a relationship between the date of birth to one of the twelve tribes of Israel and to the twelve months of the year.According to the Kabbalah each month is influenced from holy sparks and lights which are to be found in each and every tribe- they have direct influence on the destiny and character of the individual.

The numerological doctrine establishes that the world is built upon inner harmony of the exemplary cosmic order of the beauty of the numerical relationships. The numbers contain the physical and spiritual experience.

"He counts the number of the stars and to each one He gives a name" (psalm 147;4).

"Lift up your eyes and see who created all these, who takes out the Hosts by number and calls each one by name" (Isaiah 40, etc.)

Luck too is based on numbers.

"the tree of life"- the spherical world is the secret of G-d's behavior is based on the "ten spheres" and when we realate to it a specific subject, for example the number six, the matter is related to the measure of "foundation" which is the sixth measure on the "tree of life", so that every one has his place in this order.

Every person also has his own individual number for luck. One only needs to know how to access that number and to find its position in creation.

The number one- symbolizes unity and oneness- the symbol of G-d to which there is no second.

אחד  (one) =13; אהבה  (love) =13. 13+13=26 (the name of G-d- yud, heh, vav, heh)

The number two relates to a negative element because on the second day of creation the Creator did not bless His creation as He did every other day "And the Lord saw that it was good, there was evening, there was morning, the second day")Because on this day hell and Satan were created. The number two expresses division and separation.

The number four is related to the characteristics of creation: the four winds of heaven, the four foundations (fire, wind, dust, water).

The number seven from the very beginning denotes great importance and quality. The first of which is the Sabbath, a day of special quality, a day on which we testify that the Creator created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day.

Seven firmaments, seven sections of hell, seven planets, seven weeks of the counting of the omer, seven years of the sabbatical cycle, seven sabbaticals of the jubilee cycle, seven branches of the menorah, seven altars of Bilam and Balak, seven pairs of animals which entered Noah's ark, etc.

The number twelve relates to the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve months of the year, the twelve constellations.

The number thirteen- even though amongst other cultures the number thirteen is seen as negative and bearer of bad luck Judaism sees it as a positive number. In the analysis of the numerological map, names which are based on thirteen cannot be reduced to Minor Gematriah. The number thirteen expresses in gematriah the oneness of the Creator, love. The number thirteen also relates to the thirteen principles of faith, the foundation of Jewish belief, G-d's thirteen attributes of mercy ("the Lord is merciful and kind, etc.).

Therefore we find that in the analysis of the makeup of the numerological map based on the relationship to the person's name, his mother's name, and the power of the letters of the date of birth. And the iridium- analysis of the iris of the eye.

We spread out before you a wide, well-constructed, crystallized and comprehensive doctrine for the understanding and the revelation of a person's potential. For the direction and use of a person's abilities in productive manners, the analysis and revelation of causes of blockages, delays, fears, negative energies and on their bases to learn how to find the path in daily life to personal fulfillment.

This process is supported also by spiritual support by means of segulot (charms) and relevant amulets for different facets of life, relationships, financial well-being, career, health, etc., areas in which we we seek improvement and upgrading  and new beginnings.

The amulets are designed on stone and set in unique and impressive designs- see our site "Home Made Products".

To arrange a consultation and analysis based on the numerological map please call: 
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